
18/07/2012 11:03

Arrived at the aire on the outskirts of Plauen early Saturday afternoon, and decided to cycle in to the town and look round and find a church for tomorrow. We were surprised to find most of the shops and the TIC, shut Saturday afternoon, even the toyshop. After having found the catholic and another church with no service that particular week, we struck upon the Lutheran Evangelical with a 9,30 family service.

During the evening we heard animal noises, which we were unable to identify, but thought might be a donkey braying, so decided to investigate and went for a walk along the farm track next to the aire. We found several fields of Highland cattle, bellowing and growling at each other.  Young males play- fighting. Alittle further up we came across a graveyard with a tiny chapel, where I had a go on the harmonium. Very nice. Walked back via a corn field where the stalks seemed to be 7 or 8 feet tall.

Sunday morning we drove into Plauen for the service. Got lost in a labyrinth of one way streets and roadworks, but eventually found a place to park fairly near to the Church. The service quite different to anything we are used to: children on recorders, and drama, telling the story of Joseph.

Got back to the motorhome to discover the driver´s door had been broken into. We realised we had lost our camera, and a few other small items. We have lost all the photos since 2nd July, from Vienna onwards. Oh well. It could have been worse.