Norway to Denmark, south to Aalborg then Southwest to Vestervig.

03/09/2012 14:20

We had prebooked our ferry crossing for 4.30 (on Thursday 23 August), so we set off in (what we thought was) plenty of time and got there at 2.30.  Rather disappointingly, there was already a bit of a queue, so we did not get near the front. However, while loading, it came about that we were put at the front of our particular row. On the crossing, which was much smoother this time, we chatted to a couple sitting near us. The woman was Belgian, and the man Norwegian.  They live in Antwerp  but are moving to Norway very soon. They communicate with each other in Dutch, although both speak English: she also speaks German, and Spanish, and will have to learn Norwegian too!

Our aire for the night, reasonably near Hirtshals ferry port, was behind a group of farm buildings, and overlooking a meadow. It was lovely to see and hear lots of birds in this area. The farmer was not at home, so a notice invited us to leave the money for the aire in the postbox. Luckily we had the right change in Danish coins.

We drove southwards, heading for Vestervig, but stopped at Aalborg to change our Norwegian money. We found a TIC, but it was not open yet, so walked on into the centre of the town. Aalborg has some really pretty old buildings, and a nice relaxed atmosphere. We found the bank, and were a bit surprised by the lack of glass partitions between the staff and customers.  Suitably laden with Danish cash, we got our photos put onto a memory stick.  Next stop, a bookshop, to see if we could find a general guide to Denmark in English, telling us which regions and what tourist attractions were worth visiting. This met a dead end. When we went back to the tourist office, the lady explained thay have local information in each local office. This didn't really help us, but......

We picked up a leaflet for a garrison museum.  This was a bit different to waht you normally see, beacause you were allowed to climb on/into some of the tanks and fire engines, and touch the exhibits. There were some very interesting items in the collection.

Having found a space at the aire in Vestervig, in the evening we went for a walk to the next village, and Geoff´s beard, as always, attracting some interested glances. This area has some wide sandy beaches and dunes, and is a bit of a mecca for birds as we heard and saw hundreds of geese passing over during the evening.